Kira Malizia Home

Massage therapist treating a client.


Finding a massage therapist who you are comfortable with is the first step to finding the relief you need to continue a healthy and happy lifestyle.  I am trained in a variety of modalities while specializing in deep tissue and trigger point work.  

Since 2002, I have dedicated myself to my clients’ needs and well-being.  I have travelled all over the country and have become licensed in several states.  I have worked with a variety of professionals in various settings, including spas and pain management facilities to maximize treatment plans for my clients.  My education has allowed me to customize each session while catering to the individual needs of each client.  

I graduated from Advanced Massage Therapeutics with extensive education in injuries such as thoracic outlet syndrome, piriformis dysfunction, hip pain, low back pain and various other injuries.  I have chosen to specialize in TMJ disorder relief and migraine relief, having dealt with both issues personally since a very young age.  

Assisting your body in healing itself naturally beneath her fingertips, has become my greatest passion.